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 D&M Engineering Honda 500/4
  RC 181 replica on the Dyno
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Read here  Honda CB500-4 (RC181) 
 D&M Engineering Honda 250/4
  RC 162 replica on the Dyno

Engine rebuilds

Here at D&M Engineering we can rebuild all types of vintage, classic, post classic and modern engines. Although we mainly specialise and work on Honda engines which will be used for Classic Racing we have a great wealth of experience with many other types of engines.

D&M Engineering can carry out full and complete engine rebuilds for normal road use or a full race spec engine,we can also completely restore an engine to a high standard or to suit your requirements.

In our service page you will read that we offer crank re-building, re-bores, valve guide and valve seat replacement, valve seat cutting, helli-coils, welding and machining to complement any engine rebuild.  


D&M Engineering can carry out
 full and complete engine
rebuilds for normal road use
or a full race spec engine.
We can also completely restore
 an engine to a high standard
 or to suit your requirements.



In our service page you will
read that we offer crank
guide and valve seat
replacement, valve seat
cutting, helli -coils,welding
and machining to complement
any engine rebuild.


Here at D&M Engineering we can rebuild all types of vintage, classic, post classic and modern engines
Although we mainly specialise and work on
Honda engines
CB250/350K, CB350/4, CB400/4,
CB450/500T, CB500/4 and CB750/4,
which will
be used for Classic Racing
we also have a great wealth of experience with
many other types of engines
 Photos of some of our work at link below

Click on photo to enlarge view

Engine work photos
can be seen here